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St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

St John's Cathedral

Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

Alexander John Shaia : The Mystical Christos
Download the episode here

Yarning Circle with Baz McMahon

Darnell Room
Sunday, 13th October, 2024
11.15am – 12.30pm

Free Morning Concert Series

Free morning concerts

 Tuesday, 15th October 2024
UQ Music: Brass

Live Stream for Weddings, Funerals and Worship
Click here to access the stream of the Service

St John’s Cathedral is home to a community which seeks to bring the best of Anglican tradition into dialogue with the issues and needs of our day.

We strive for open-minded conversation, seek to practice inclusion, and reflect on how we might see our beliefs put into action. We want this to be a place where people are encouraged to seek God and progress their own spiritual journeys.

The Cathedral itself, a renowned Brisbane landmark, serves as a magnet, where diverse people gather to worship, celebrate, seek solace, converse and learn.

Peter Catt +
Dean of Brisbane

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Here you will find quick links to two weeks of Service Notes for each of our four Sunday services.

These will be updated each Thursday –
“THIS WEEK” covers the coming Sunday;
“LAST WEEK” the preceding Sunday.

Click the title bar or ‘+’ button to toggle open your chosen week and select the service time.

7.30am Holy Eucharist – Sundays
Click here for Live Stream on The Cathedral YouTube Channel
The stream will appear on our channel at approximately 7.15am Sunday
Click here for Service Notes

9.30am Choral Eucharist – Sundays
Click here for Live Stream on The Cathedral YouTube Channel
The stream will appear on our channel at approximately 9.15am Sunday
Click here for Service Notes

6.00pm Choral Evensong – Sundays

Live Stream Sundays at 6pm
The stream will appear on our channel at approximately 5.45pm Sunday

Click here to access Service Notes

Morning Prayer 
Monday to Friday

Details on Services Page

To access an electronic copy of the Prayer Book, please email:


Welcome to St John’s Cathedral. The news items below highlight topics of general interest.
For details of special events and concerts at the Cathedral please see the WHAT’S ON page.
You may find information about our regular worship times on the SERVICES page.

The National Trust of Australia (Queensland) has listed The Cathedral and The Deanery (Adelaide House) because of their significance to the heritage of Queensland and Australia more broadly. Adelaide House was the first Government House when Queensland was created on 10th December 1859. The balcony on which Sir George Bowen read the proclamation that day has been the subject of a great deal of work to restore it to a stable and safe condition. The cathedral is the only stone-vaulted church in the Southern hemisphere and is highly regarded as a sublime example of neo-gothic architecture. Donations to the Cathedral fund are used to enhance and presence the fabric of the magnificent building.

Donations to the National Trust of Australia (Queensland) for these appeals are allowable as deductions for tax purposes.

Find out more on our DEANERY APPEAL page.

Welcome. “On the Way” is a series of recorded conversations (podcasts) exploring the deeper mysteries of faith, meaning, and beauty that people from all over the world are able to listen to on their smartphone or computer.

The podcast invites others who are also “on the way” into conversation; seeking a transformative spirituality and inclusive faith that speaks to real issues of today. Together in dialogue and storytelling we seek to make meaning and articulate a Christianity that expresses the liberating and life-giving message of the Gospel in our time.

Links to the published podcasts may be found at here. Note that these are hosted externally by Omny Studio and will open in a new browser tab.

You can also download all the podcasts from the iTunes store, or using your preferred podcast App, including Android. Search by the names “On the Way” or “St John’s Cathedral” and subscribe for free to receive these great conversations straight to your device every month! CDs are also available for those who are unable to access the podcasts online and these are available on the Literature Table in the Cathedral.

To find out more, contact the Cathedral Office by email or phone 3835 2222 during business hours.

Download the episodes here


Our Cathedral has adopted the simple, convenient online payment channel of — designed by and for churches — and currently used by more than 12,000 churches and ministries in over 50 countries.

Scan or click on the QR code above, to visit our GIVE page on this website: you may make an offering to our Cathedral and its work – either as a one-off or recurring gift –
using a credit card by clicking on the
green GIVE NOW button or the
GENERAL DONATIONS image block, which will open a simple, pop-up form without you having to leave this site.

MORE INFO: please visit our GIVE page


Click for more

OCTOBER:  Anglicare SQ Young Women’s Voices

Anglicare Young Women’s Voices aims to discover how the youth justice system, and human services such as child protection, mental health and education that have touch points with justice, could be improved to generate better outcomes for those who identify as young women. The project emerged from the 2017 Anglicare Youth Voices project, which sought the views of young people about effective supports in their lives.

The Youth Voices project enabled young people to influence youth policy, program development and service delivery in government, schools and community organisations — to communicate what they saw as a flourishing life, and the supports they needed to achieve that. 

The project was a truly collaborative journey. Young people actively co-designed the questions; participated in the project across 4 states and 20 sites; and were at the core of project workshops bringing together young people, teachers, youth workers, government policy officers and others to explore the data and how it might inform practical initiatives and outcomes for young people.

From this significant consultation emerged the Anglicare Young Women’s Voices program in which Queensland University of Technology, Flinders University and five Anglicare organisations across Australia are partnering in a three-year Australian Research Council project focusing on improved service delivery for girls.

“Young Women’s Voices will privilege the views and experiences of young women who are part of these systems,” said Chief Investigator, Professor Kelly Richards from QUT. “Young women will be part of the project every step of the way, from inclusion on the steering group through to contributing to the data analysis. Their voices will help to identify strengths and weaknesses in the justice and human services systems as they experience them.”

The Young Women’s Voices program is just one example of Anglicare SQ’s various support engagements. Are we able to support this work of Anglicare with young women? Donations to Anglicare are tax deductible. Place your donation in the October envelopes available in the Narthex, and place it in the donation boxes, in the collection, to the Cathedral Office Monday-Friday, or give it to a warden. If you wish to have a receipt, please provide your name and address on the envelope. Using electronic banking, make a bank transfer to BSB 034 003 Account No.385378. Please narrate your deposit “Outreach 10” and also email to inform us of your deposit, (including the amount), and to provide your postal/email details for the receipt. For credit card payments, please phone the cathedral office during normal business hours Monday-Friday (07 3835 2222). Anglicare will provide receipts direct in late November or early December Thank you.

Make An Enquiry