Make An Enquiry

August 16 – Artfully Designed

We are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus to do the good things God created us to do from the beginning. (Ephesians 2:10)

The Boobook Owl showcases a remarkable feature – its intricate plumage that allows it to blend seamlessly into the bark of the trees it inhabits. This camouflage is a testament to the intricacy and purposefulness of God’s design in nature. Each feather, each pattern, serves a specific function, enabling the owl to thrive in its environment.

Similarly, as Ephesians 2:10 reminds us, we are God’s works of art, created with intention and purpose. Just as the Boobook Owl has been gifted with unique features to fulfil its role in the ecosystem, each of us has been blessed with distinctive talents and abilities to serve in the roles God has designated for us. When we embrace and utilise these gifts, we harmonise with the grand tapestry of God’s creation, contributing to the beauty and balance of the world.


1. What unique gifts and abilities has God bestowed upon me, and how can I use them to serve in the role God has designed for me?

2. How can I cultivate a deeper appreciation for the intricate beauty and purposefulness in God’s creation, both in nature and in the people around me?


Divine Artist, help me recognise and embrace the unique gifts you have woven into my being. Guide me to use these talents to contribute to the masterpiece of your creation, fulfilling the purpose you have set before me.


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