Make An Enquiry

August 9 – The Harmony of Cooperation

God has made everything in harmony with the divine; yet although the Almighty has imbued eternity in our soul, we are unable to grasp the totality of God’s work from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

In the intricate tapestry of God’s creation, threads of divine harmony weave through every creature and every interaction. The Australian dusky woodswallow, with its remarkable cooperative behaviour, stands as a testament to this sacred interconnectedness. These birds engage in communal nesting, where multiple pairs come together to raise their young, transcending the boundaries of individual families. Even outside the breeding season, they congregate in flocks, finding strength and resilience in their unity.

This spirit of cooperation extends to every aspect of their lives, from the vigilant defence of their nests against predators to the collaborative efforts in foraging for sustenance. In their actions, we glimpse a profound spiritual truth—that we are all part of a greater whole, inextricably linked in the grand design of the Divine. Though the full extent of God’s work may elude our understanding, we can find solace and wisdom in the harmonious patterns that echo through creation.


1. How can I foster a spirit of cooperation and unity in my own life and community?

2. What lessons can I learn from the dusky woodswallow about finding strength and resilience through collaboration?


Divine Creator, open my eyes to see the threads of harmony that bind all of creation together. May I learn from the wisdom of Your creatures and strive to live in a spirit of cooperation and unity.


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