Make An Enquiry

October 15 – Blue Mountains

No one has ever seen God. Yet if we love one another, God dwells in us, and God’s love is brought to perfection in us. (1 John 4:13)

In the heart of Australia’s Blue Mountains, a vast network of canyons, caves, and forests intertwine, forming a tapestry of microhabitats. Each niche supports a unique array of species, adapted to thrive in their specific corner of this intricate landscape. The delicate balance and interdependence within these ecosystems offer a profound reflection of the spiritual principle that God’s love is perfected in us when we love and support one another in our own unique ways.

Just as each creature in the Blue Mountains plays a vital role in maintaining the health and vibrancy of the whole, we, too, are called to recognise and celebrate the diverse gifts and talents within our communities. By embracing our differences and fostering an environment of mutual love and respect, we create space for the Divine to dwell among us, weaving our lives together in a beautiful tapestry that reflects the perfection of God’s love.

1. How can I cultivate a deeper appreciation for the unique gifts and perspectives of those around me?
2. In what ways can I actively contribute to an atmosphere of love and support within my community, allowing God’s love to be perfected in us?

Divine Love, help me to see and celebrate the beauty in diversity, and grant me the grace to love others as You love us, so that Your perfect love may dwell within and among us.

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