Make An Enquiry

October 11 – Ant Plant

If you wish to come after me, you must deny your very self, take up your cross and follow in my footsteps. (Mark 8:34)

In the tropical rainforests of Australia, the Ant Plant thrives through a unique partnership. This epiphytic plant grows on the branches of trees, seemingly detached from the usual sources of nutrients in the soil. Its secret lies in its symbiotic relationship with ants. The plant provides a hollow chamber, providing a shelter to the ants. In return, the ants bring nutrients from their foraging expeditions, nourishing the plant. The Ant Plant must “deny” its usual means of obtaining sustenance, trusting in the providence of its tiny partners.

Just as the Ant Plant surrenders its self-reliance and embraces a life of interdependence, we are invited to deny our selves and follow in the footsteps of Jesus. This denial is not a negation of our identity but a letting go of our ego’s grip, a willingness to find our true sustenance in the Divine. In this surrender, we discover a deeper, more authentic way of being, rooted not in self-sufficiency but in the profound interconnectedness of all life.


  1. How can I practice “denying myself” in small ways today, letting go of my need for control and trusting in the Divine?

  2. What sacred relationships in my life offer me nourishment and support, and how can I cultivate these with gratitude?


Divine Source, grant me the courage to deny my ego and trust in Your providence. Help me to find nourishment in the sacred relationships that sustain me.

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