Make An Enquiry

October 4 – Undara Lava Tubes

Christ is the reflection of God’s glory, the exact representation of God’s being; all things are sustained by God’s powerful Word. (Hebrews 1:3)

The Undara Lava Tubes in Northern Queensland serve as a powerful metaphor for the divine mystery embodied in Christ. Just as these ancient subterranean passages, formed by molten rock eons ago, wind through the earth in a complex network, Christ unveils the profound depths of God’s being that extends far beyond human comprehension.

Like the intricate ecosystems thriving in the dark recesses of the lava tubes, Christ reveals the infinite complexity and beauty that sustains all of creation. As we contemplate these geological wonders and the mystery of Christ, we are invited to embrace the limitations of our understanding and surrender our need for certainty. We are called to explore the unseen depths of faith, trusting in the divine presence that guides and sustains us. In doing so, we discover that God’s love and wisdom permeate even the most hidden corners of our lives, bringing forth life and beauty in ways we could never imagine.


  1. How can I cultivate a sense of wonder and openness to the mystery of God’s presence in my life?
  2. In what areas of my life do I need to surrender my desire for control and trust in the sustaining power of God’s Word?


Divine Mystery, grant me the courage to embrace the depths of your being, even when I cannot fully comprehend them. Help me to trust in your sustaining presence, knowing that you bring forth life and beauty in ways beyond my understanding.

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