Make An Enquiry

August 19 – Beloved Community

Beloved, if God has loved us so, we must have the same love for one another. (1 John 4:11)

In open country near water sources, tiny Fairy Martins embark on a remarkable endeavour. These small birds gather together to construct intricately woven mud nests, creating a network of dwellings. Each individual contributes their unique skills and resources to the communal building process.

Just as the Fairy Martins work together to construct a shared home, we too are invited to contribute our unique gifts and energies to the task of nurturing the relationships that sustain us. They remind us that we are called to love one another as deeply and unconditionally as the Divine loves us. This love is not a passive sentiment, but an active, creative force that compels us to build beloved community wherever we find ourselves. In a world that often feels fragmented and divided, the act of building beloved community becomes a sacred resistance, a way of embodying the love that binds all things together in an intricate web of connection.


1. How can I use my unique gifts and talents to contribute to the building of beloved community in my own life and in the world around me?

2. In what ways am I being called to demonstrate the same unconditional love that the Divine has for me in my relationships with others?


Divine Weaver, grant me the courage and compassion to be a builder of beloved community. May I embrace the sacred task of nurturing relationships and creating spaces where all can thrive, now and always.


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