Make An Enquiry

August 24 – Hidden Beauty and True Worth

No, when you have a reception, invite those who are poor or have physical infirmities or are blind. You should be pleased that they can’t repay you, for you’ll be repaid at the resurrection of the just. (Luke 14:13-14)

The Underground Orchid, native to Western Australia, spends almost its entire life cycle hidden beneath the soil. This unique plant lacks chlorophyll and cannot photosynthesise, relying instead on a complex, three-way symbiotic relationship with fungi and broom bush shrubs for survival. The orchid’s existence challenges conventional notions of beauty and worth, as it remains unseen and unappreciated by most, yet plays a vital role in its ecosystem.

Similarly, Jesus challenges societal norms by urging us to invite and celebrate those who are often overlooked or marginalised – the poor, the infirm, and the blind. True generosity and compassion lie in giving without expectation of reward or recognition. Just as the underground orchid’s beauty remains hidden, the acts of kindness we extend to those who cannot repay us may go unnoticed by the world, but they are seen and valued by the Divine. In the intricate web of life, each being has inherent worth and purpose, regardless of their perceived status or ability to reciprocate.


1. How can I cultivate a heart that gives freely and unconditionally, without seeking recognition or reward?

2. In what ways can I open my eyes to the hidden beauty and value in those around me, especially those who are often overlooked or marginalised?


Divine Presence, open my heart to the beauty and worth inherent in all. May my life be an expression of the radical generosity and compassion modelled by Jesus, as I learn to extend love and care to those who cannot repay me.


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