Make An Enquiry

August 26 – The Way of Self-Giving Love

Then Jesus said to the disciples, “If you wish to come after me, you must deny your very selves, take up the instrument of your own death and begin to follow in my footsteps.” (Matthew 16:24)

The Maori octopus, native to the waters surrounding Australia and New Zealand, embodies a profound spiritual truth through its unique reproductive process. After mating, the male octopus surrenders his life. The female tirelessly tends to her eggs, forgoing nourishment until they hatch. Shortly after the eggs hatch, she too dies. This selfless act of love and sacrifice ensures the survival of the next generation, mirroring the essence of Jesus’ call to discipleship.

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus challenges his followers to deny themselves, take up the instruments of their own death, and follow in his footsteps. This invitation to self-giving love is not a call to self-negation but rather a summons to discover true life through the paradoxical path of letting go. Just as the Maori octopus instinctively offers its life for the sake of its offspring, we are called to embrace a love that transcends self-interest, discovering the sacred in acts of compassion, service, and sacrifice.


1. How can I practice self-giving love in my daily life, even in small ways?

2. What might I need to let go of to follow in the footsteps of Jesus more fully?


Divine Love, may I embody the way of self-giving love, finding true life in the midst of letting go. Grant me the courage to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, discovering the sacred in acts of compassion and service.


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