Make An Enquiry

August 6 – Small Acts, Great Influence

If you can trust others in little things, you can also trust them in greater, and anyone unjust in a slight matter will also be unjust in a greater. (Luke 16:10)

In the tropical waters of Western Australia’s Ningaloo Reef, the table coral offers a profound lesson in stewardship and sustainability. This fast-growing coral builds intricate reef structures through countless small, consistent actions creating habitats for other organisms. Each tiny polyp, trustworthy in its singular purpose, contributes to a greater whole. This marine marvel embodies the wisdom of today’s passage, reminding us that faithfulness in small tasks ripples outward, creating impacts far beyond our immediate perception.

In a world often fixated on grand gestures, the humble coral teaches that true transformation and sustainability arise from steadfast commitment to seemingly insignificant acts. Daily choices to honour creation and serve others gradually shape a more just and harmonious world. Like the coral polyps, each small act of kindness, each mindful choice, contributes to the larger tapestry of divine love and cosmic interconnectedness.


1. How can I be more mindful of the small, everyday choices I make and their potential ripple effects on the world around me?

2. In what areas of my life do I need to cultivate greater consistency and trustworthiness, even when it feels insignificant?


Divine Creator, grant me the wisdom to recognise the significance of small actions. May my life, like the coral, contribute to the building of Your kingdom on earth.


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