Make An Enquiry

September 11 – Letting Go

Avoid greed in all its forms. Your life isn’t made more secure by what you own—even when you have more than you need. (Luke 12:15)

In the harsh, arid landscapes of Australia, the Emu Bush has adapted to thrive by shedding its leaves during times of drought. This remarkable plant teaches us a lesson about the wisdom of letting go. Just as the Emu Bush releases what is no longer necessary for its survival, we too are invited to examine our lives and discern what we cling to that may be hindering our growth.

The teachings of Jesus remind us that true security and abundance cannot be found in material possessions. In a world that often equates worth with wealth, it takes courage and faith to embrace simplicity. By releasing our grip on excess, we create space for what truly matters—love, compassion, and connection with the Divine. Like the Emu Bush, we can learn to trust in the sufficiency of what we have and find contentment in the present moment.

1. What might I be holding onto that is no longer serving my spiritual growth?
2. How can I cultivate a deeper sense of trust and contentment in the Divine’s provision for my life?

Divine Presence, grant me the wisdom to discern what I need to release in order to live more fully in alignment with Your love. May I find security and abundance in my connection to You and all of creation.

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