Make An Enquiry

September 12 – Growth of Faith

The reign of God is like this: a sower scatters seed on the ground, then goes to bed at night and gets up day after day. Through it all the seed sprouts and grows without the sower knowing how it happens. The soil produces a crop by itself—first the blade, then the ear, and finally the ripe wheat in the ear. (Mark 4:26-28)

The Tasmanian Blue Gum, a majestic eucalyptus tree, can grow up to 70 meters tall and live for over 200 years. Its towering presence is the result of years of steady growth, day after day, season after season. In the same way, the reign of God grows within us and in the world, often in ways we cannot perceive or understand. Just as the seed in the parable sprouts and grows without the sower’s knowledge, our faith and the work of the Divine unfold in their own time, guided by a wisdom beyond our comprehension.

Like the Tasmanian Blue Gum, our spiritual growth is a gradual process, requiring patience, trust, and surrender. We may not always see the progress, but as we open ourselves to the mysterious workings of the Divine, we find that our lives bear fruit in due season. The soil of our hearts, when tended with love and devotion, produces a rich harvest of compassion, wisdom, and connection to the sacred in all things.

1. How can I cultivate patience and trust in the gradual unfolding of my spiritual journey?
2. In what ways can I attune myself to the sacred presence in the world around me, even in the midst of uncertainty and change?

Divine Presence, may I trust in the steady growth of your love within me and in the world. Help me to surrender to the mystery of your workings.

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