Make An Enquiry

October 27 – Renewal in the Wetlands

But what we await are new heavens and a new earth where, according to the promise, God’s justice will reside. (2 Peter 3:13)

Kakadu National Park bears witness to the transformative power of nature. Each year, the monsoon rains descend upon the parched landscape, breathing new life into the dormant wetlands. The once arid plains burst forth with vibrant green vegetation, while countless species of birds flock to the replenished billabongs. This annual cycle of renewal serves as a powerful reminder of the ever-present grace of the Divine, constantly working to restore and revitalise the world.

Just as the wetlands of Kakadu are reborn through the nourishing rains, so too are our spirits refreshed by the boundless love and mercy of God. In times of spiritual drought, when the world seems barren and devoid of hope, the promise of a new heaven and a new earth sustains us. We are reminded that the Divine’s justice will ultimately prevail, bringing forth a renewed creation where harmony and righteousness reign. The transformation of Kakadu’s landscape mirrors the potential for change within our own hearts, as we open ourselves to the renewing power of grace.


  1. In what areas of my life do I long for renewal and transformation?

  2. How can I cultivate a sense of hope and trust in the promise of a new heaven and a new earth?


Creator of all, fill my heart with the assurance of Your constant love and the hope of a world made new by Your grace. May I find renewal in You, just as the wetlands spring to life with each monsoon rain.

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