Make An Enquiry

October 10 – Unity in Humility

There must be no competition among you, no conceit, but everybody is to be humble: value others over yourselves. (Philippians 2:3)

In the vast expanse of Northern Australia, a remarkable feat of unity and humility unfolds within the world of magnetic termites. These tiny creatures, guided by an innate wisdom, construct their mounds with a precise north-south orientation, allowing them to regulate temperature and create a suitable environment for their colony. This achievement is not the result of individual brilliance or competition, but rather a testament to the power of collective effort and the valuing of each member’s contribution.

Just as the termites work together in harmony, we too must recognise that our strength lies in unity and mutual support. When we set aside our egos and appreciate the unique gifts and perspectives of those around us, we create a sacred space where love and compassion can flourish. In this way, we mirror the divine love that permeates all of creation, and we become co-creators of a world that reflects the beauty and wisdom of the Creator.


  1. How can I cultivate a spirit of humility and value others in my daily interactions?

  2. In what ways can I contribute to the collective good and support the growth and well-being of my community?


Divine Source of all life, guide me in the path of humility and unity. Help me to recognise the sacred in others and to work together in love and compassion for the betterment of all.

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