Make An Enquiry

October 18 – Collaboration

God has put all things under Christ’s feet and made Christ, as the ruler of everything, the head of the church, 23 and the church is Christ’s body; it’s the fullness of the One who fills all of creation. (Ephesians 1:22-23)

In the intricate tapestry of Australia’s ecosystems, an intriguing partnership exists between the honeyeater birds and the mistletoe plant. Attracted by the mistletoe’s nectar, the honeyeaters inadvertently transport its sticky seeds, aiding in the plant’s reproduction. This relationship highlights the beauty of collaboration in fostering life and growth.

This ecological interaction mirrors a profound spiritual principle: the unity between Christ and the church. Just as honeyeaters and mistletoe work symbiotically, Christ, as the head, intimately connects with the church, empowering it to spread divine love and grace. The church, finding its purpose in Christ, draws sustenance and direction from the One who fills all of creation.

This sacred collaboration, like that of the honeyeaters and mistletoe, cultivates new life and growth within believers and the wider world. It serves as a reminder of our interconnectedness and the impact of working harmoniously with the Divine to participate in God’s unfolding redemptive plan.


1. How can I cultivate a deeper sense of unity with Christ and the church, recognising my role in the sacred collaboration of bringing life and growth to the world?

2. What lessons can I learn from the honeyeaters and mistletoe about the power of working together in harmony, and how can I apply these lessons in my relationships and community?


Divine Creator, open my eyes to the beauty of collaboration and unity, both in the natural world and in my connection to Christ and the church. May I embrace my role in the sacred dance of life, working in harmony with others to bring about the flourishing of all creation.

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