Make An Enquiry

October 5 – Kakadu Plum

But seek first the kingdom of God and God’s righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:33)

The Kakadu Plum, a small and unassuming fruit native to Australia, holds within its humble exterior an astonishing abundance of Vitamin C. This tiny powerhouse contains the highest concentration of this essential nutrient found anywhere in the world. In a similar way, the spiritual life often invites us to look beyond surface appearances and discover the hidden richness that lies within.

Just as the Kakadu Plum’s true value is not immediately apparent, the deepest treasures of the spirit are often concealed within the ordinary moments of our lives. When we seek first the kingdom of God we begin to perceive the sacred in the seemingly mundane. We discover that the Divine is not distant or separate from us, but intimately present in every aspect of creation, patiently waiting for us to awaken to the loving presence. As we cultivate this awareness, we find that all the things we truly need—love, peace, wisdom, and strength—flow naturally from this connection with the source of all life.


  1. Where in my life might I be overlooking the hidden abundance that is waiting to be discovered?
  2. How can I cultivate a deeper awareness of the sacred in the ordinary moments of my day?


Divine Presence, open my eyes to see the wonders that surround me. Help me to seek first your wisdom and love, trusting that all I need will be provided as I journey with you.

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