Make An Enquiry

October 8 – The dingo

If you find that the world hates you, remember that it hated me before you. (John 15:18)

The dingo is often misunderstood and persecuted. Despite being an integral part of the continent’s ecosystem for thousands of years, the dingo is frequently viewed as a threat to livestock and a nuisance to human populations. This misunderstanding has led to widespread efforts to control and eradicate dingo populations, often through inhumane means. Perhaps the dingo’s plight mirrors the experience of Jesus, who faced hatred and rejection from those who failed to grasp his true nature and purpose?

Both the dingo and Jesus were met with fear, hostility, and ultimately, attempts to eliminate their influence. Perhaps the world’s reaction to the dingo and Jesus reveals a deeper struggle to accept and embrace others in our community and to allow for the transformative power of the Divine in our midst.


1. In what ways might fear or misunderstanding prevent me from recognising the value and purpose of those who are different from me?

2. What can I learn from the dingo’s role in its ecosystem about the importance of embracing the misunderstood aspects of others.


Divine Presence, help me to find courage and resilience when faced with rejection or misunderstanding. May I remember that, like the dingo and Jesus, my purpose and value are not diminished by the world’s judgments.

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